Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Final for assignment 2

The Exterior

The Interior

The plan and sections

You can download the interactive PDFs here

(and for some reason I could not upload to the emustore)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Architect and Architecture : Toyo Ito

Toyo Ito
Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects

The Torres Porta Fira In Barcelona Spain

The Sendai Mediatheque In Miyagi, Japan

It was design in a way to provide natural ventilation throughout the whole building

The Sketches

I've forgotten to upload the sketches so here they are

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Augmented Reality Test

Beautunda Land!

The Inner Sanctum Of The Beautunda Nest (unfortunately our camera man went into shock after this image was take due to him thinking there was a tiger constantly around hunting him)

Another View of the nest made of Bark, mud and leaves

The Lonely Tree which provides shelter and nourishment for the Beautunda.

The Chosen Creatures

Diet: Aquatic Diet (Mainly Fishes but can include amphibians)
Likes to nest near riverbeds or lakes, builds nest out of cardboard boxes.
Having camouflage and leaf-like feathers on their bodies make them harder to spot when the move through the long grass.
Their long necks also help with catching fishes by dunking their heads into the water.
It's said that when a young Harpzilla is born the parents would never feed them food, and expects the young ones to catch it themselves;how?
By throwing the young ones into the river.

Diet: Mushrooms and fruits which drops from trees.
Build's their nest out of old tree bark, mud and leaves.
The Beautunda creature is a very shy "creature" they tend to hide in their little nest until something drops from the sky or grows out of the tree behind them.
Their nest is said being able to withstand a coconut dropped unto it, but Beautunda lore claims it can stop an elephant.
They're also master fibbers.
Being able to mimic the call of a predatory animal to scare away young children thinking they are cute.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The creatures of spore

The Creatures of my mind.

Lil' Moosey

BIrdy (the most original name ever)




The 3 Folded Paper and 3D models

Well 2 actually I couldn't get the third yet.